
Three autumns in mountains within one year. Announcement of stories about journeys.

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Индийские Гималаи на велосипеде. Конкурс велопоходов "Велопуть"

Best cycling journey of the year 2015

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Перевал Ханума Ла, Занскар

Indian Himalaya by bike 2014. General information.

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Indian Himalaya by bike. Delhi. Part 14.

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Indian Himalaya by bike. Rohtang – pile of corpes. Part 13.

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Indian Himalaya by bike. From Ladakh to Lahaul. Part 12.

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Индийские Гималаи на велосипеде. Тангланг Ла (5328 м) - самый высокий перевал похода. Часть 11. Indian Himalayas by bike. Tanglang La Pass (5328 m). Part 11.

Indian Himalaya by bike. Taglang La (5328 m) – the highest pass of the journey. Part 11.

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Индийские Гималаи на велосипеде. Лех - столица Ладакха. Часть 10. Indian Himalayas by bike. Leh - the capital of Ladakh. Part 10.

Indian Himalaya by bike. Leh – the capital of Ladakh. Part 10.

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Индийские Гималаи на велосипеде. Ламаюру гомпа. Часть 9. Indian Himalayas by bike. Lamayuru Gompa. Part 9

Indian Himalaya by bike. Lamayuru Gompa. Part 9.

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Индийские Гималаи на велосипеде. Встреча с Ламой. Часть 8. Indian Himalayas by bike. Meeting with Lama. Part 8.

Indian Himalaya by bike. Meeting lama. Part 8.

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