Мои работы на фотовыставке Русского Географического Общества!

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National Geographic – TOP-50 best photos of travelers 2015

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National Geographic

In the middle of the year I participated in National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2015 with the photo from lake Baikal. Certainly, I did not have a chance to be a winner or even a finalist, however this photo became the photo of the day.

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Победа на фотоконкурсе Fine Art Photography Awards 2015

Fine Art Photography Awards 2015 contest

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Фотоконкурс Fine Art Photography Awards 2015

I sent a series of 5 photos from my ice skating journey to lake Baikal to the international photo contest – Fine Art Photography Awards 2015. The photos were sent to the category “Travel” among the professional photographers category.

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Магия рассветов и закатов на зимнем Байкале. Часть 7

Magic of sunrises and sunsets on lake Baikal in winter. Part 7

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Вмерзшие в лед. Зимний Байкал. Часть 6

Frozen into the icy. Lake Baikal in winter. Part 6

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Гроты и сокую - ледяные наплески на Байкале зимой

Grottos and sokyuas (icy splashes) of lake Baikal in winter. Part 5

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Магия луны на Байкале зимой. Часть 4

Moon magic of lake Baikal in winter. Part 4

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Ледяные узоры замерзшего Байкала

Frostworks of frozen lake Baikal. Part 3

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Байкал зимой

3rd place in AdMe Photo Awards 2014 contest!!!

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По льду Байкала на коньках. Adme Photo Awards 2014. 3 место в номинации "Радость путешествий".

My picture from ice skating tour on lake Baikal took the 3rd place in nomination “Joy of journey” in AdMe Photo Awards 2014 contest!!! Read more


My first time-lapse of star sky

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